I'm Glad You're Here!

Roadmap to your 6-Figure Business

No need to be lost in the process any longer! Over the past three years, I've learned the in's and outs of ecommerce and the ability to pivot with the ever changing technology landscape. If you are still struggling with sales, lets work together to increase your visibility and revenue!

Who Is Monique?

After being completely bored in her corporate HR job, Monique launched BLDxMonique in 2019.

In the midst of a pandemic, she managed to generate almost $100k in sales her first year and approximately $250k in a matter of 6 months in 2021.

Business Clarity

Strategic clarity for the visionary trying to figure out how to best brand their business.

Brand Identity

For the business owner looking to develop all aspects of their brand. Create brand visual elements, aesthetic,and voice to attract their ideal customer.

Sales Strategies

Intense results driven strategies to increase sales and revenenue consistantly.

My only regret is I didn't book sooner! Even though it's just an hour, the hr was filled with helpful content.. I gained followers as well as made over my $3k goal for last month... Thank you again Monique
